- Inclusive classrooms and services for children between the ages of six weeks to five years
- Active parental involvement
- Low teacher-to-student ratio
- Highly educated and well-trained staff
- Accessible, developmentally appropriate playgrounds
- Home-based services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays and therapy needs
- Speech, language, occupational, and physical therapy integrated into classroom activities
- Easy access to information about your child’s day through Brightwheel, an easy-to-use, free app for all enrolled families
Family and Caregiver Resources
We believe that the family is the child’s first and best teacher and we strive to support families and caregivers. We encourage enrolled families to visit our program, volunteer, and let us know if needs arise beyond education for your child.
Resources for Enrolled Families & Caregivers
Family Handbook:
Children Services Family Handbook Download (pdf)
Payment Information:
Continue to Payment Page
Resources for all Families & Caregivers
Child Care Certificate Program:
SNAP Benefits:
Kid Central TN:
Application and Fee Schedule
Our program accepts applications year-round. To complete an application, please click on the following link: Childcare Application
We accept the State of Tennessee Child Care Certificate (please see Family & Caregiver Resources for more information or to see if you may qualify). For those who do not qualify for a Child Care Certificate or the Hamilton County Department of Education, fees are as follows:
- 6 weeks to 2 years old by August 15th–$240.00/week
- 3 years old by August 15th–$225.00/week
- Before Care (may arrive as early as 7:30 am) –$35.00/week
- After Care (may stay as late as 5:30 pm)–$115.00/week
- Before & After Care (7:30—5:30)–$135.00/week
Fees for care are due each Monday afternoon.
Please contact cedricka_westmoreland@signalcenters.org or rachel_mcgraw@signalcenters.org with any questions regarding your application or fees.
Tour the Center
Curriculum and Approach to Learning
Our team provides a rich learning environment using the Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum is built on the idea that children learn through inquiry and play, and it is designed around children’s interests and passions. that is developmentally appropriate to the specific ages in each classroom. Our program is designed to enhance children’s development in the following areas: creativity, self-expression, decision-making, problem solving, responsibility, independence, and reasoning. We encourage children to be open to differences and learn to play and work with one another.
Teachers are intentional about integrating all the basic domains (math, science, technology, literacy, fine and gross motor skills, social studies, social-emotional development, etc.) of learning, we also have a flexible daily routine that allows each child to advance at his or her own pace. Parents are informed of the lessons through daily communications, documentation, and lesson plans posted within and outside of the classrooms.
We love providing children with ongoing opportunities to learn through play, and we know that children learn best when they are free to explore. Our beautiful, developmentally appropriate and inclusive playground spaces provide many opportunities for exploration.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I enroll my child at Signal Centers
Enrollment at Signal Centers is easy! You’ll want to start by completing an application and click here: Payment Page. Then, contact our Children’s Services program to schedule a tour, review your application, and learn more about when your child may be able to enter the program.
What is Brightwheel
Brightwheel is an application provided for free to all enrolled families. When you enroll your child at Signal Centers, our administrators will set up a profile for your family in the Brightwheel app. Then, you’ll receive an invitation via email or text (your preference) and will have an option to download the free app, which is compatible with all systems. Brightwheel allows you to better track your child’s day—what your little one is eating, learning, and much more.
Am I allowed to bring my child’s food
Signal Centers provides breakfast and lunch for all children enrolled in our program, and a snack for those who are enrolled in our aftercare program. Our meals are delivered fresh daily by a local company and meet or exceed all USDA and Child and Adult Care Food Program requirements. We make accommodations for children who have allergies or food-related medical needs. While we do permit parents to bring their own meals, any meals brought from home must meet the USDA guidelines.
How is discipline handled within the Signal Centers program
Our early educators are trained in the use of appropriate and positive discipline. We follow the State of TN childcare licensing guidelines which state that discipline may never be shameful, humiliating, or frightening and must never be related to rest, food, or toileting. We do not use physical discipline or coercion when disciplining but strive to use times that children need discipline as “loving, teachable moments.” We recognize discipline as an opportunity to help children strengthen their ability to self-regulate.
How are illnesses handled at Signal Centers
Signal Centers takes the health, safety, and well-being of the children we serve seriously. We adhere to strict guidelines regarding sickness. If a child shows signs of illness while in care, it is our policy to contact his or her parent/guardian immediately. For more detailed information on how we handle illnesses and promote health and safety within our center, see the Health section of our parent handbook.
Therapeutic Services
At Signal Centers, we recognize that each child who enters our program is special and has a unique set of strengths and needs. We serve children with a variety of developmental delays and disabilities as well as children without disabilities or delays, and we are proud of our inclusive classrooms. We know that our integrated approach to therapy and related services has a positive outcome for all children in the classroom.
In accordance with each child’s Individualized Educational Program (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), specific therapeutic needs are addressed for each child enrolled. Speech/Language Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Vision Therapy, Feeding Therapy (for those enrolled in Early Intervention classes), Behavioral Intervention, and Nursing Services support the teaching and learning in the classroom.
For the most part, therapies are embedded within the daily classroom routines and structures, with therapists and teachers functioning as co-educators.
Twins Abigail and Rebekah Mizutani are new to Signal Centers. Their mother chose us for the individual attention we provide every child in our early education program. Abby has Cerebral Palsy. Since enrolling and receiving regular physical therapy, she has met the goal of walking independently. Many of the our children take their first steps at Signal.
Health, Safety and Nutrition
Our staff members take the health and safety of our children and families very seriously. We know that a safe and healthy environment is at the heart of every great early learning facility.
For the protection of everyone on our campus—but most importantly the children we serve, Signal Centers has developed a robust Emergency Preparedness Plan which exceeds the State of Tennessee’s requirements. Our teachers receive CPR and First Aid training every two years, and we have put protocols into place that ensure children will be safe during emergencies. Additionally, external doors are always locked and monitored by staff. All visitors are required to register with the office and wear a visitor’s badge throughout their visit. We ask that families be our partners in our security efforts. Please do not let someone you do not know into our building. We monitor all entrances and have specific policies when allowing entrance to our facilities. If someone you do not know enters our facility with you, please escort them to the school office for assistance.
Some of the additional safety measures we have in place are:
Prohibited Substances
The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited on the preschool premises. Possession of illegal substances or unauthorized potentially toxic substances is prohibited. Any adult who appears to be inebriated, intoxicated, or otherwise under the influence of mind-altering or polluting substances is required to leave the premises immediately. We reserve the right to contact law enforcement as necessary and/or refuse release of a child to an adult that appears to be under the influence of prohibited substances.
Smoking is prohibited on the entire Signal Centers campus. The poison in secondhand smoke is especially harmful to infants and young children. The indoor and outdoor environment are always non-smoking areas.
Dangerous Weapons
Weapons are prohibited on the Signal Centers campus. Anyone who brings a weapon onto our premises will be asked to leave immediately and the police will be contacted.
We provide a nutritious, USDA-approved breakfast and lunch for all children. An afternoon snack is provided (generally around 3:45) for children who are enrolled in aftercare. Meals and snacks are included in your weekly fee. We support breastfeeding mothers and have a private room for those who wish to breastfeed on our premises.
We are also glad to accommodate children with allergies. We do permit families who wish to bring food for their children to do so, but meals brought from home must follow the USDA Guidelines which will be provided as part of the enrollment process.
Immunizations are required according to the current schedule recommended by the U.S. Public Health Services and the American Academy of Pediatrics, www.aap.org. State regulations regarding attendance of children who are not immunized due to religious or medical reasons are followed. Unimmunized children are excluded during outbreaks of vaccine preventable illness as directed by the state health department. A Child Care Immunization form that shows up-to-date immunizations is required upon enrollment in our program. This form must include a physician’s signature documenting a health examination.
We work hard to ensure that children on our campus are not exposed to illnesses, but we recognize that, from time to time, children do get sick. When a child in our program becomes ill, it is our policy to contact his or her parent/caregiver immediately and, depending on the circumstances and severity of the illness, we may ask that children be picked up within a given time frame.
We are fortunate to have a full-time nurse on staff able to give medications as needed (requires proper documentation from child’s pediatrician). For more details on illnesses and medication, please see our Family Handbook here:
Children Services Family Handbook Download (pdf)
In light of the recent COVID-19 crisis, Signal Centers has developed protocols to help keep our children, families and staff safe. Our safety checklist for all staff and children includes verifying all of the following prior to entering the building each day:
- That one’s temperature is lower than 100 degrees Fahrenheit
- Not had a fever in the past 48 hours
- Not had diarrhea or vomiting in the past 48 hours
- Not experienced a new loss of taste or smell
- Not had symptoms of a respiratory infection such as shortness of breath, cough, sore throat
- Not traveled to an area with sustained COVID-19
- Not had contact with someone who has traveled to areas with sustained COVID-19
- Not had contact with someone known or suspected of testing positive for COVID-19
- Not experienced any of the symptoms listed above for the past 14 days
Our staff is taking every precaution to keep children safe and healthy. Teachers and children are wearing masks, and there is an extra level of sanitizing in the classroom and on the playground.

For more detailed information on our COVID-19 response, view our Parent Waiver here:
Signal Centers Waiver of Liability
Although COVID disrupted our childcare program, the staff stayed connected through Zoom classes. Our Early Childhood Educators really demonstrated their creativity! Signal continues to provide stability, instruction and positive reinforcement for our children.
Home Based Services
The Home Based and Community Program serves children from birth up to their third birthday and their families in their homes or typical childcare centers as designated by the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). The Home Based and Community Program works closely with Tennessee Early Intervention System (TEIS), serving the following counties:
Hamilton | Bledsoe | Bradley | Grundy | Marion | McMinn | Meigs | Polk | Sequatchie
Our Developmental Therapists provide services at home, in the childcare setting, or in the community. The location of services depends on the child’s ISFP goals and what works best for each family. We recognize the importance of connecting with parents and caregivers so if services are requested within the childcare setting, our therapists work to establish at least one visit each month either in the home or at the childcare facility with the family, in addition to the other visits that take place with the child at the facility.
Using the Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System (AEPS) to complete assessments and the Family Guided Routines Based (FGRBI) model to provide services, Signal Centers’ Developmental Therapists offer appropriate coaching to parents and caregivers to help navigate developmental, physical and/or cognitive delays, promoting a higher quality of life and setting children on the pathway to success. A 2019 survey indicated that 100% of the parents served through our Home Based and Community program believe that our Developmental Therapists provide high-quality services.
We know that each family served through our Home Based and Community Program has different needs so our Developmental Therapists serve families during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, but work hard to accommodate families who have needs outside of typical hours within reason. Our team is highly skilled and receives training each year on topics such as working with children with autism, sleep training, speech and language guidance, and the Family Guided Routines Based Intervention model.
Make Payment
All payments are made through our PayPal donation account. “Monthly donation” is monthly payment. Be assured that your payment will be applied to the right program.
Videos, Pictures and Partners
There are so many stories to tell about Childrens Services. These videos and pictures provide a window into what you can expect your child to experience at Signal Centers.

We are grateful for our collaborative partners
Hamilton County Department of Education
United Way of Greater Chattanooga | Friends of Special Children
Friends of Special Children
Special thanks to Friends of Special Children for the support you’ve shown for our Childrens Program. The annual event has raised funds for new windows, a roof, classrooms, playground, and much more. We are so grateful to The Friends of Special Children for partnering with Signal. We don’t know where we’d be without you.
five years, serving children with
and without disabilities.
Our staff work to provide a rich learning environment using the Creative Curriculum that is developmentally appropriate to the specific ages in each classroom.
Since 1957, Signal Centers has been educating young children and serving families through our Childrens Services program. We provide a nurturing, warm and caring environment for every child who comes through our doors. The overarching goal of Childrens Services is to help ensure that all of the children who graduate from our program have the academic and social skills they need to meet their full potential in kindergarten, and that they leave our program with a love of learning.
Our program is centered around quality. From our research-based curriculum and high-quality meals and snacks to our safe and inclusive playgrounds, our program is created to be a center of excellence that serves children with a wide variety of needs. Programming includes:
- Inclusive classrooms and services for children between the ages of six weeks to five years
- Active parental involvement
- Low teacher-to-student ratio
- Highly educated and well-trained staff
- Accessible, developmentally appropriate playgrounds
- Home-based services for infants and toddlers with developmental delays and therapy needs
- Speech, language, occupational, and physical therapy integrated into classroom activities
- Easy access to information about your child’s day through Brightwheel, an easy-to-use, free app for all enrolled families
Our program is licensed through the Tennessee Department of Education and adheres to the strict guidelines set forth by the Tennessee Department of Human Services for childcare licensing.
Our hours of operation are 7:30am—5:30pm, Monday through Friday. We accept applications year round and invite those who are interested in learning more about our care to contact us at 423.698.8528 or email our Administrative Assistant, Taylor Reed, at taylor_reed@signalcenters.org.
Our team provides a rich learning environment using the Creative Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum is built on the idea that children learn through inquiry and play, and it is designed around children’s interests and passions. that is developmentally appropriate to the specific ages in each classroom. Our program is designed to enhance children’s development in the following areas: creativity, self-expression, decision-making, problem solving, responsibility, independence, and reasoning. We encourage children to be open to differences and learn to play and work with one another.
Teachers are intentional about integrating all the basic domains (math, science, technology, literacy, fine and gross motor skills, social studies, social-emotional development, etc.) of learning, we also have a flexible daily routine that allows each child to advance at his or her own pace. Parents are informed of the lessons through daily communications, documentation, and lesson plans posted within and outside of the classrooms.
We love providing children with ongoing opportunities to learn through play, and we know that children learn best when they are free to explore. Our beautiful, developmentally appropriate and inclusive playground spaces provide many opportunities for exploration.
Donna McConnico, CEO
“Our Early Childhood Program welcomes children of all abilities. Typically developing students and children with disabilities learn and play together in an enriching environment. Our playground is accessible to all.”
Social/Emotional Learning and ACEs
Decades of research have shown us that social/emotional learning is as important as academics. At Signal Centers, our teachers focus heavily on helping children build the strong social skills they’ll need for lifelong success. We know that little children have big feelings, and so we also work hard to foster self-regulatory skills and build resiliency.
ACEs stands for Adverse Childhood Experiences. We recognize that every child has at least some adverse childhood experiences—things that happen to or around them that make life tough. We also know that some children face many challenges which can keep them from reaching their full potential without intervention. For this reason, all of our educators receive ACEs training which helps them identify ACEs, put supports in place to build resiliency, provide resources for families as needed, and provide trauma-informed care for children.